LDF sought public support for the protest. Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram: LDF coordinator A. Vijayaraghavan have solicited public participation In a statewide protest planned by the front on Wednesday against spiraling fuel prices.
Vijayaraghavan said protests would be held at five lakh places across the state and around 20 lakh people would participate in it.
The protest programs being planned ward-wise, local bodies will start at 4 pm following the COVID-19 protocol.
Vijayaraghavan, who accused the central government of increasing fuel prices, alleged that private oil companies were pouring money into the BJP’s account due to the rise in fuel prices.
He said in a statement that the central government should immediately intervene to bring down the oil prices as people are grappling with the hike in fuel prices on a daily basis.


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