Lawyers not ready to fight the case of Kashmiri students: The family said – the children have made a mistake, but not so big that they cannot forgive, they are not traitors

Agra36 minutes ago

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Arshad Yusuf, Inayat Altaf and Shaukat Ahmed, Kashmiri students studying in RBS Engineering College, Agra, have been arrested by the police on charges of sedition.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Arshad Yusuf, Inayat Altaf and Shaukat Ahmed, Kashmiri students studying in RBS Engineering College, Agra, have been arrested by the police on charges of sedition.

Families of Kashmiri students, who are facing a case of sedition for celebrating Pakistan’s victory in T20 World Cup, have reached Agra. He says that the children have made a mistake but this mistake is not so big that they cannot be forgiven. They are not anti-nationals at all.

Riyaz, uncle of accused student Inayat, says that I have come here for two days. Met the lawyers here but they are not fighting the case. However, with their help, we have got the number of a lawyer of Mathura Court. We have contacted them. On Monday they will file the bail application. Riyaz says that the relatives of two other students are also reaching Agra by evening.

When these students were produced in the court two days ago, the lawyers tried to beat them up in the court premises. He has also refused to fight the case of these students.

Omar Abdullah objected to the decision of Agra lawyers

National Conference leader Omar Abdullah had termed the decision of the Agra lawyers as unacceptable. Posting on social media, he said that instead of befriending Kashmiri students, they are being used as political fodder at the time of elections. This is not right. PDP leader Mehbooba Mufti had also criticized the Yogi government for sending Kashmiri students to jail for sedition.

National Conference leader Omar Abdullah has expressed his objection to the decision of the lawyers of Agra by posting on social media.

National Conference leader Omar Abdullah has expressed his objection to the decision of the lawyers of Agra by posting on social media.

Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha filed a case

Kashmiri students Arshad Yusuf, Inayat Altaf and Shaukat Ahmed Ghani study at RBS Engineering College in Agra. They are accused of celebrating Pakistan’s victory in the T20 match and raising anti-national slogans. A case was registered against them by Gaurav Rajawat, regional minister of the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha, Braj province.

Arrests made on the basis of digital evidence
The police on Wednesday night, after taking legal opinion, extended Section 124A (sedition) in the case registered against the three students. The three accused students were produced in the court on Thursday. From there he was sent to jail. According to CO Lohamandi Saurabh Singh, the accused Kashmiri students have been arrested on the basis of digital evidence.

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