Lavrov Says Russia Wants India, China to Be Close, Accuses US’ of Threatening Developing Nations

edited by: Shankhneel Sarkar

Last Update: March 03, 2023, 15:15 IST

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov speaks during the Raisina Dialogue 2023 in New Delhi (Image: Reuters)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov speaks during the Raisina Dialogue 2023 in New Delhi (Image: Reuters)

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said Moscow wants New Delhi and China to have cordial relations and alleged that the US threatens smaller countries at the United Nations.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia wants India-China ties to further strengthen and Moscow values ​​its relations with both New Delhi and Beijing.

“We have excellent relations with India, as a special privileged partnership, and also with China. We want these two great countries to become friends.

Lavrov has on previous occasions accused the West of creating suspicions between the two neighbors with the help of ongoing disturbances along the India-China border.

Relations between the two neighbors have been frozen after China attempted to disturb the status quo by clashing with Indian troops once in eastern Ladakh in 2020 and later in 2022 at Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh.

India has said that relations will be restored to normalcy once China stops its attempts to change the status quo in the border areas and maintains peace in those areas.

However, Russia has accused the West and mostly the US of hijacking its issue and creating suspicion between these two countries.

Lavrov has also said that Russia’s energy policy will focus on reaching reliable partners like India and China.

“The war that was launched against us, using the great Ukrainian people, influenced Russia’s policy, including our energy policy. Lavrov said, Russia’s energy policy will be oriented towards reliable reliable partners like India and China.

America ‘Blackmail’

In his conversation with ORF’s Joshi, Lavrov explained Russia’s position on the war in Ukraine and said that not only have broken promises regarding NATO expansion but also challenged the rights of Russian-speaking people in Ukraine Which forced Russia to protect its ‘own interests’.

He said that the G20 never questioned the US attack Afghanistan and Iran and said that in the event of a Russian defeat, the West and Europe would only talk about peace.

He said that the West promotes the policy of blackmail and the global economy is suffering due to the sanctions imposed by the West.

He accused NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken of blackmailing developing economies.

“They should respect the rights of other countries. Treat others like elders, don’t tell them which position to take,” Lavrov said.

“(Russian President Vladimir) Putin explained the intention behind Russia’s move. The developing world was silent until the West began blackmailing Russia by threatening to impose sanctions on Russia if it did not join the US.

He said the US and its allies tell developing countries that they will not be “punished” if they show consensus at the UN.

“My friends in New York tell me they know what’s up. The American logic is pretty straight forward: ‘Don’t forget your so-and-so has a bank account. Don’t forget your kids go to Stanford.’ Clearly,” Lavrov said, claiming that the US is threatening leaders of developing countries before allegedly coercing them ahead of UN General Assembly meetings, which have resolutions against Russia.

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