Kovid cases in Delhi at a 40-day high of 325, zero deaths in 24 hours

New Delhi: The country’s capital Delhi on Thursday reported 325 fresh COVID-19 cases, the highest in 40 days, according to data shared by the city’s health department.

At the same time, the positivity rate of coronavirus has reached 2.39. In view of the increasing cases, a meeting of the department of Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has been called on 20 April.

Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Thursday admitted that there has been an increase in the total infections in Delhi, but added that there is nothing to worry about at the moment.

Sisodia, who is also Delhi’s education minister, urged people to be vigilant. According to news agency PTI, he said, “We have to learn to live with Kovid. We are continuously monitoring the situation.”

On Wednesday, 299 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in Delhi, which is almost 50 percent more than the day before i.e. Tuesday (202 cases).

read also, Delhi government issues fresh advisory for private schools after uptick in COVID cases – Check SOP

There have been reports of some school children getting infected with COVID-19 in Delhi and the National Capital Region. The infection rate in Delhi has increased from 0.5 percent to 2.70 percent in a week. Doctors said that there is no need to panic as the number of new cases daily is still low.

Delhi’s COVID-19 count and the number of deaths due to the disease stood at 18,67,206 and 26,158, respectively, on Thursday, according to the latest health bulletin.

The national capital had reported 141 cases and one death on Sunday, while the positivity rate stood at 1.29 per cent.

It witnessed 160 Covid cases on Saturday with a positive rate of 1.55 per cent.

On Friday, the city had reported 146 cases with a positivity rate of 1.39 per cent and one death.

During the third wave of the pandemic, the number of daily COVID cases in Delhi had touched a record high of 28,867 on January 13.

The city recorded a positivity rate of 30.6 per cent on January 14, most notable during the third wave of the pandemic, which was typically determined by the highly contagious. omicron type.

The announcement said that a total of 574 Covid patients are in home isolation, which is an undisputed climb from 504 on the day before.

It added that hospitals in Delhi have 9,745 beds for Covid patients and 48 (0.49 per cent) of them are occupied.

(with PTI inputs)

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