Kovid-19 vaccination drive for children in the age group of 12-14 to start from March 23 in Madhya Pradesh: Official

Immunization campaign underway for children aged 12-14 in India (Representational image/Reuters)

The Director of Immunization, MP also said that 11.43 core doses of anti-COVID-19 vaccines have been given so far in the state.

  • PTI new Delhi
  • Last Update:March 19, 2022 at 12:26 pm IST
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A senior health official said on Saturday that the vaccination campaign against coronavirus for children aged 12 to 14 will begin in Madhya Pradesh from March 23, for which three million doses of Corbevax vaccine have been received. The National Immunization Campaign for children in the age group of 12-14 started on 16 March. The health officer had then said that the campaign would start in Madhya Pradesh after March 22 after the frontline staff were given necessary training.

Madhya Pradesh’s Director of Immunization Dr. Santosh Shukla told PTI, “We have been sent 30 lakh doses of Corbevax, the intramuscular vaccine of biological E, to districts across the state.” The training of the staff ended on March 17 and we Vaccination campaigns are ready to start. “We believe in quality and that is why we are a leader in vaccination,” he said.

Dr Shukla said that those born in 2008-2009 would be included in the vaccination campaign. In addition, children born on March 22, 2010 will also be eligible to take the shot on March 23, on completion of 12 years.

The Director of Immunization, MP also said that 11.43 core doses of anti-COVID-19 vaccines have been given so far in the state. Regarding the preparations for the March 23 campaign, he said that ORS packets and water would be kept at the vaccination centers and would be given to the children if needed in view of the summer season.

Dr Shukla said that the parents of children of 12-14 years should make them breakfast before sending them to the vaccination centres. The children will be patted on the right or left shoulder, he said. Amid a declining trend of new COVID-19 cases in Madhya Pradesh and the rest of the country, Dr Shukla cautioned against lowering the guard and cited the recent surge in infections in China.

He added that the new version does not take time to cross over to other countries.

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