Kovid-19: More than 40,000 new cases in Maharashtra

Maharashtra on Friday reported 40,925 new Covid-19 cases, taking the total number of active cases to 1,41,492. 20,971 new cases were reported in Mumbai.

While 14,256 patients were discharged on Friday, there were 20 Kovid-19 related deaths in 24 hours. The case fatality rate in the state is 2.07 percent. Presently 7,42,684 people are in home quarantine and 1,463 people are in institutional quarantine. According to the state health department, no new case of omicron type has been reported from the state.

Mumbai city has 91,731 active Covid-19 patients while Thane has 22,510 patients.

On Friday, 33,235 patients were reported in Mumbai circle including Mumbai city. 4,765 patients were reported in Pune circle including Pune city, which includes 2,804 patients in Pune. 612 patients were reported in Nagpur city.
