Kovid-19 discharge policy: Center changes – Know how long you need to stay in hospital

New Delhi: Center has changed the discharge policy for Kovid-19 patients. According to the new guidelines, patients with ‘mild’ and ‘moderate’ symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection will be discharged after testing positive for at least seven days and no fever for three consecutive days.

They do not need to undergo any tests before being discharged. This change in the discharge policy of Kovid-19 patients was made on Wednesday after a review meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding Kovid-19.

Key Points of Discharge Policy

In a press conference, Joint Secretary, Union Health Ministry, Lav Aggarwal said that in the medium category patients with saturation (SpO2) more than 93 percent can be discharged without oxygen for three days without any tests and on the recommendation of doctors. Is.

Such patients, who are on continuous oxygen therapy, may be discharged after the recovery of their symptoms, taking into account their ability to maintain the prescribed oxygen saturation for three consecutive days without oxygen support, he added. said.

The Joint Secretary said that the discharge policy for severe cases, including the immunocompromised, would depend on clinical recovery, as mentioned in their medical reports.

He said that patients with mild symptoms admitted to a health facility or in home isolation should be regularly monitored.

Omicron patients require less hospitalization

According to the Union Health Ministry, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala and Gujarat are the states of concern based on the increase in cases.

“According to WHO, Omicron has a substantial growth advantage over Delta,” Agarwal said. he said that omicron Patients in South Africa, Africa, the UK, Canada and Denmark require fewer hospitalizations than those infected with the delta variant.
