Kovid-19: Active cases lowest in 184 days

India added 26,115 new cases of Covid, taking the overall tally to over 3.35 crore, while active cases came down to 3.09 lakh, the lowest in 184 days, according to data updated by the Union Health Ministry on Tuesday.

The death toll rose to 4,45,385 with 252 fresh deaths, according to the data updated at 8 am.

See more: Daily dosage: September 21, 2021

The ministry said that active cases comprise 0.92 per cent of the total infections while the national Covid-19 recovery rate has been recorded at 97.75 per cent.

A decrease of 8,606 cases has been recorded in the active Covid-19 caseload in a 24-hour period. India crossed the grim milestone of 20 million total COVID cases on May 4 and 30 million on June 23.
