Know the full story behind accepting the demands of the farmers: advocated the opinion of the lawyers; ACS reached the decision after talking to the government and announced to accept two demands, the farmer said – agreed on everything

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  • Karnal
  • Farmers’ strike in Karnal: The story behind the success of the meeting and the decision reached by ACS after talking to the government

Karnal17 minutes ago

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The farmers’ strike at the secretariat of Karnal district of Haryana, which was going on for five days, ended after the administration agreed. In the negotiations, the farmers put their stand firmly by taking the opinion of the lawyers. This is the reason that the administration had to bow down to the demand of the farmers and in the first five rounds of talks, the government, which did not agree to a single demand, gave its consent on two important conditions. After five rounds of talks with the farmers failed in two days, the government entrusted the responsibility of holding talks to ACS Devendra Singh.

ACS said – celebrated the farmers with the consent of the government

The farmers were also constantly taking legal advice to keep their side strong during the talks. 13 farmer leaders held talks with the ACS-led administrative team for about 4 hours on Friday. Although the demands had been agreed on both sides in this meeting, but the joint press conference was held on Saturday morning. The press conference was done by tying it in very rules. The officers kept their word. Got the favor of the farmers and sent the rest out for talks. During the press conference, ACS Devendra Singh said, on Friday evening, talks were held with the farmers in a very cordial atmosphere. The farmers gave full cooperation in this. After the consent of the state government, the demands of the farmers were accepted.

Farmer said – compensation will also be given, the result of the investigation will also come

At the same time, the farmers came out of the auditorium after the press conference and told that all their demands were accepted. He agreed only after talking side-by-side with his lawyers. We got more than what we wanted. On changing the demand for suspension of the administration officer, Gurnam Chaduni said that he would have reinstated the suspension, removed it in the investigation after registering the case.

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