Know The Fastest Growing And Declining Jobs In The Next 5 Years

    Artificial Intelligence is the fastest growing job in the next 5 years.

Artificial Intelligence is the fastest growing job in the next 5 years.

According to a published report, it is estimated that 69 million job opportunities will be added, while another 83 million will cease to exist.

Disruption best describes what is happening in the job sector internationally, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic. The digital revolution, efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the face of an impending climate crisis, and other geopolitical and social changes are constantly reshaping the global labor market. As per reports, 1.4 crore jobs are at risk in the next five years due to several economic factors. Additionally, recent information from the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023 has provided a preview of what both employers and employees can expect five years from now.

As per the published report, it is estimated that 69 million job opportunities will be added, while another 83 million will cease to exist, for a total reduction of 14 million jobs. The top 10 jobs with the fastest growth and decline between 2023 and 2027 are also highlighted in the report.

Here is the list of 10 fastest growing jobs in next 5 years

al and machine learning experts

stability specialist

business intelligence analysts

information security analyst

Fintech Engineers

Data Analyst and Scientist

robotics engineer

Electrotechnology Engineers

farm equipment operator

digital transformation specialist

Here is a list of 10 jobs that are going to shrink fast in the next five years

Bank Teller & Related Clerk

postal service clerk

Cashier & Ticket Clerk

data entry clerk

Administrative and Executive Secretary

material-recording and stock-keeping clerk

Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerk

legislators and officials

Statistical, Finance and Insurance Clerk

Door-to-door sales workers, news and street vendors, and related workers

Employment opportunities are likely to increase if the world moves towards renewable energy systems. Over the next five years, more than three-quarters of the 803 firms polled for the report are expected to adopt cloud computing, Big Data and AI innovations. There is also potential for growth in green jobs across various industries and job sectors.

According to International Energy Agency data included in the WEF report, a green recovery scenario could result in an annual net employment increase of 9 million new jobs and increase global GDP by about 3.5%. The WEF report also states that currently 34 per cent of work is done through machines. But, the deployment of Artificial Intelligence will have both its advantages and disadvantages.

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