Know everything about Kartarpur Gurdwara: Due to the mistake of a British lawyer, it went to the part of Pakistan, people started tying cattle here

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  • Pakistan Kartarpur Corridor; History and interesting facts of Gurdwara Darbar Sahib that everyone should know

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Kartarpur Corridor reopened from Wednesday. Due to Corona epidemic, it was closed from 16 March 2020 i.e. for 20 months. At the time of partition, Kartarpur Gurdwara had gone to the part of Pakistan due to the mistake of an English lawyer. It became dilapidated due to neglect and war attacks. People started tying cattle here, but in the 90s, the government of Pakistan decided to repair it. Let us know everything about the history of this Gurudwara.

This picture is from the time when the Kartarpur Corridor was being constructed in the Pakistan side.

This picture is from the time when the Kartarpur Corridor was being constructed in the Pakistan side.

History of Kartarpur Gurdwara
Kartarpur Sahib is located near the Ravi River in the Narowal district of Pakistan. Its history is more than 500 years old. It is believed to have been founded in 1522 by Guru Nanak Dev of the Sikhs. He spent the last years of his life here.

Considering the flow of river Ravi as a border, it went to Pakistan.

The distance from Lahore to Kartarpur Sahib is 120 kms. At the same time, it is about 7 kilometers away from the Indian border in Gurdaspur area of ​​Punjab. According to the book ‘Freedom at Midnight’ by Larry Collins and Dominic Lapierre, English lawyer Radcliffe had less than two months to draw a map of partition and had no knowledge of the geographical location of India. In such a situation, he made the natural flow of the Ravi river a border. Kartarpur Gurdwara was on the other side of Ravi, so it went to the part of Pakistan.

The Gurdwara suffered a lot due to the Indo-Pak war.
This gurudwara suffered a lot in the 1965 and 71 wars. By the 90s, its building had deteriorated greatly. People started tying cattle here. People had forgotten even its history. The Indians who knew its importance, only a few of them used to go here. They also had to go through the Wagah border.

The corridor was made by the efforts of the governments of both the countries.
After 1998, the Government of Pakistan paid attention to the Gurdwara and got it repaired. The work went on for years. Later the governments of India and Pakistan decided to build a corridor connecting Dera Baba Nanak in Gurdaspur and the holy gurdwara located in Kartarpur, Pakistan. The foundation stone of the corridor was laid in India on 26 November 2018 and in Pakistan on 28 November 2018. It was dedicated to the public on 9 November 2019 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

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