Kitchen hacks: The best way to keep lemon juice fresh, safe and long

Lemon is a useful substance found in most kitchens. It is a rich source of Vitamin C and has many health benefits. While cold lemonade is very good in summer, adding lemon to vegetables and salads enhances the taste of the food even more.

The demand for lemon increases rapidly during summer, which increases its price. On the other hand, lemons are budget friendly and easily available during winters. One can extract lemon juice and store it during winters to ensure year round availability. While lemon juice doesn’t last long in the fridge, one can extend its lifespan by a year using a few simple kitchen hacks.

ice Cube: This is the easiest and easiest way to store lemon juice. Squeeze the lemon and filter its juice and keep it in an ice cube tray. Keep it in the freezer. Once frozen, take the cubes out and put them in a plastic bag with a ziplock. Now keep this packet in the freezer. Whenever you feel like making lemonade, you can add a couple of cubes to the glass. Your instant lemonade is ready!

glass jar: If you want, you can also keep lemon juice in a glass jar. For this, first squeeze the lemon juice and filter it. After that fill it in a glass jar. You do not need to fill the jar completely. Keep it in the fridge. In this way, lemon juice can be stored in this way for two weeks.

Store it in your fridge: If you want to store lemon juice for 2-3 months, mix 1/4 teaspoon salt in 2 cups of lemon juice. You can add salt according to the amount of lemon juice. This will help avoid making the lemon juice bitter. You can store it in a glass bowl in the fridge. You can take out lemon juice with a spoon whenever you want.

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