Kitchen hacks: Follow these easy tips to stop milk from boiling

Methods for boiling milk: Boiling milk is not as easy as it seems. Standing in the kitchen watching milk boil during summer or winter is not a fun activity. If you are boiling milk on high flame of gas, then you have to keep watching the milk continuously. As if the focus is lost, the milk can flow out of the pot within a second.

While boiling milk, some people complain that the milk sticks to the pan or pot. Many times people put milk on the gas to boil and forget. They remember boiling milk only when the milk falls out of the pan and burns.

Here are some useful tips so that your milk doesn’t fall and stick to the bottom of the pan. With the help of these tricks, you can boil milk without worry and work together. Know tips.

Follow these tips while boiling milk

1- Wet the bottom of the pan or vessel in which you are going to boil milk. Put half a cup of water in the pan. This will prevent the milk from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
2- When you want to boil the milk, put a spoon in the pan so that the milk does not spill out and comes out.
3- Whenever you heat the milk, put a wooden spoon or spatula in the pan of milk. The milk will not spill out because of the wooden spoon.
4- You can add half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate while boiling the milk. Due to sodium bicarbonate, milk does not spoil even if it is not refrigerated.
5- Another good way to prevent milk from spreading is to apply butter on the sides of the vessel in which you boil milk.


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