Kim Jong’s sister threatened: ‘Our nuclear weapons will destroy South Korea’, hence the war of words intensified between the two neighboring countries

World Desk, Amar Ujala, Seoul

published by: Surendra Joshi
Updated Tue, 05 April 2022 09:30 AM IST


Last week, South Korea’s Defense Chief Suh Wook warned of North Korea’s repeated missile tests.

Kim Jong Un, North Korea

Kim Jong Un, North Korea
– Photo : social media

hear the news

Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of North Korean military ruler Kim Jong Un, has threatened to destroy South Korea. He has said that North Korea can destroy South Korea with its nuclear weapons if it dares to attack. This is Kim Yo’s second threat in three days.
Last week, South Korea’s Defense Chief Suh Wook warned of North Korea’s repeated missile tests.


Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of North Korean military ruler Kim Jong Un, has threatened to destroy South Korea. He has said that North Korea can destroy South Korea with its nuclear weapons if it dares to attack. This is Kim Yo’s second threat in three days.

Last week, South Korea’s Defense Chief Suh Wook warned of North Korea’s repeated missile tests.