Kim Jong Un’s headband adds to the list of health secrets – Times of India

Seoul: North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Some have appeared with a bandage about the size of postage stamps on the back of his head in recent days, fueling speculation about the reclusive leader’s health in the latest episode.
The strip was visible in state media images when Kim appeared at an event for the Korean People’s Army from July 24 to 27, according to NK News site and Chosun Ilbo newspaper. He cited a review by North Korean state media as saying that incidents in late July also had photos showing a stripe removed and a green space.
While the leader’s health is one of the most closely guarded secrets in North Korea, it has allowed a rare glimpse into the 37-year-old leader’s condition as he tries to revive the economy and grapples with food shortages. State propaganda has featured for decades supreme Leaders being so people-centered that they risk their own well-being.
In June, state media cited a civilian as saying that North Koreans burst into tears at the dramatically slim Kim, who was cut into the public eye after being absent for much of May.
Kim shaves her hair below the level of her temple, which makes it difficult to hide any blemishes on the back of her head. By releasing the images to the outside world, North Korea provided fodder for spy agencies looking for clues on Kim’s health.

of south korea national intelligence service Believes there are no unusual signs regarding Kim’s health Yonhap News Agency reported on Tuesday. It cited lawmakers who were briefed by the spy agency, which said the patch was removed after a few days and there was no trace.
NK News, a special service focused on the country, said photos released by state media showed no marks on the back of Kim’s head when he attended a July 11 event with musicians. The leader later spent time in the mansion on the beach. in Wonsan.
After a prolonged absence last year that raised concerns about the stability of his regime, Kim emerged for a May Day 2020 event at a fertilizer factory with scars on his wrist, prompting speculation that his There may be a medical procedure.
still shrinking
Kim – overweight and a smoker – has been the subject of health speculation for years. His longest absence from the public eye was six weeks in 2014. When he reappeared, he was walking with a cane, leading to speculation that he might be suffering from gout.
His grandfather and state founder kim il sung He had a growth almost the size of a tennis ball on the back of his neck, which was caught in photographs on international trips over the years. His propaganda machine made sure it was never shown to his public.
Kim Jong Un is facing one of the toughest phases of his rule that began in late 2011. The economy in 2020 recorded its sharpest decline in more than two decades due to the coronavirus, natural disasters and international sanctions, according to the South Korean central bank. Data released last week. GDP was smaller than last year when Kim took office.
The North Korean leader has issued a rare warning of economic conflicts and food shortages, but has yet to show any signs that he is ready to discuss reducing his nuclear arsenal in exchange for economic stimulus.


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