Kerala’s Sabarimala temple opens for Chithira Attavish puja with Covid-19 restrictions

Sabarimala Temple
Image Source: ANI

Sabarimala temple will be closed at 9 pm tonight

Kerala’s Sabarimala temple on Wednesday opened its doors to devotees for the Chithira Attavish puja. The Travancore Devaswom Board informed that after the puja the temple will be closed at 9 pm and devotees will be allowed through the virtual queue booking system.

The board said devotees will have to produce a vaccination certificate showing that they have been fully vaccinated or a negative RT-PCR report not older than 72 hours.

The temple will open on November 15 for the two-month pilgrimage season, further informed the board. Meanwhile, Kerala recorded 6,444 new Covid-19 cases and 45 deaths on Tuesday.

With ANI inputs

Read also: Virtual booking starts at Sabarimala temple; COVID guidelines in place for devotees

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