Kerala Tourism Minister without a mask: A sign that everything is normal? | Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram: A photograph of Tourism and PWD Minister PA Muhammad Riaz and his family enjoying a Sunday walk at Kovalam beach, shared by the minister himself on his social media page, drew heavy criticism for apparently violating the COVID protocol , even as many argued that it was a deliberate move by the minister to instill confidence that things are fast returning to normal.
In the picture shared by Riyas, he and his family members, including his wife Veena, daughter of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, are seen without masks. Apart from him, four other people are also seen in the picture without wearing masks. Riyas mentioned in the picture that it was taken at Kovalam Beach.
Soon after the picture was posted on his social media page, people came under severe criticism against the minister and his family members for breach of protocol. Till the time of writing this report, the post had garnered 208 shares, 1k comments and 29k likes.
Kerala, which is progressively unlocking, and allowed restaurants and bars to open dine-in only yesterday, on Sunday recorded 15,951 new cases, 165 deaths and 17,658 cured. The state’s active cases stood at 1,63,280, making it the only state in India with more than one lakh active cases.
Many took potshots at the photo saying that the rules do not apply to a minister and his family. It was written in one of the comments, ‘If a common man goes like this, then he will have to pay the fine. But when it is a minister, the rule is bent.” Another person asked Riyas if there is a psychological step to prove that corona is gone? Kerala
Another comment, with a barely disguised sarcasm, is a request to the PWD minister: “The condition of Sanghamuhagam beach is even more pathetic than Kovalam. Take a look at it.” This message is a clear reference to the pathetic condition of the road in Sanghamugham which has badly affected the passengers coming to the airport. The minister has also visited this road several times but no work has been done yet. has not started.
Minister PA Mohammad Rias and family were seen without a mask at Kovalam Beach on Sunday
