Kerala Health Minister Veena George says ‘unfortunate that campaign is going on against the state’

Kerala Health Minister Veena George said on Thursday that the next two to three weeks would be crucial in controlling the spread of the infection. coronavirus transition to the state. As the daily caseload has been consistently high over the past few weeks, the Center has decided to send a six-member team of experts to aid the state government’s efforts in tackling the spread of the virus.

“We welcome the central team. A few weeks ago another team visited and they were satisfied with our performance,” said George.

The state on Thursday reported 22,056 fresh cases, more than half of India’s total coronavirus tally of 43,654.

George said that as the state conducts widespread testing, the ratio of tests per million is among the highest in the country. “We are trying to keep the cases down,” she said.

He also mentioned that a day back there was a shortage of vaccines and the state received batches of vaccines today.

The Health Minister said that Kerala’s strategy to deal with the epidemic is different. “We try to pull the wave so that we can limit cases to our medical care capacity.”

Pointing out that the number of people in hospitals and ICUs is low, George said, “It shows that the severity of the virus is low.”

George stressed that there is no such case in Kerala where a person has died due to lack of oxygen, beds or ambulances. “It is unfortunate that the campaign is going on against the state,” he said.

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