Karnataka news live: Demand for Sputnik vaccine soars in Bengaluru hospitals – The Times of India

Karnataka news live: Demand for Sputnik vaccine soars in Bengaluru hospitals


People from other districts and even states are flocking to private hospitals in Bengaluru, seeking doses of the Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine.The second wave of Covid-19 infections was not as deadly as the first for the state’s police force, data shows. While 104 Karnataka police personnel succumbed to the viral infection between July and September last year, the number of deaths in the force due to Covid-19 was only 61 between April 1 and July 8 this year. The state capital has reported 400 to 700 Covid-19 cases daily over the past week. Stay with us for all live updates from across Karnataka.Read Less

THE TIMES OF INDIA | Jul 10, 2021, 10:07:21 IST



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