Deployment of women soldiers in Kashmir: Women soldiers of Assam Rifles reached the valley to end terror Kashmiri girls enthusiastic about joining police

Srinagar3 minutes agoAuthor Mudassir Kullu

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The Indian Army has entrusted a huge responsibility to the women soldiers of the Assam Rifles. They have been deployed in Kashmir to support the male soldiers. They have been deployed in Ganderbal district of central Kashmir, where they are supporting the soldiers in anti-terrorist operations.

These security personnel are stationed at motor-vehicle checkpoints to search women and children. She also helps in house-to-house searches during Cordon and Search Operation (CASO).

These security personnel are stationed at motor-vehicle checkpoints to search women and children.

These security personnel are stationed at motor-vehicle checkpoints to search women and children.

How was the experience of women security personnel?
Women security personnel Jyotsna says that during the campaign, we take care that women do not face any problem. After the search, we also take them to a safe place. We hope that Kashmiri girls will also be inspired and join the army to serve the nation.

Women security guard Ruman Rupali said that we do duty like men. We go to the siege and search operation. We are not intimidated and are happy with challenging tasks. We are here to serve local women.

The women security personnel have been deployed in central Kashmir's Ganderbal district, where they are accompanying the jawans in counter-insurgency operations.

The women security personnel have been deployed in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district, where they are accompanying the jawans in counter-insurgency operations.

Help to stop drug trafficking
These women soldiers were earlier posted in Kupwara district of Kashmir. They were given the responsibility to stop the increasing smuggling of narcotics. In fact, male soldiers were finding it difficult to search women suspects going near the Line of Control.

A senior official said that the arrival of women jawans has helped in curbing smuggling. He said it was not possible for male soldiers to search women in Kupwara. This work was done well by the women soldiers. Their deployment will help in reducing the problem of women in Kashmir.

These women soldiers were earlier posted in Kupwara district of Kashmir.  They were given the responsibility to stop the increasing smuggling of narcotics.

These women soldiers were earlier posted in Kupwara district of Kashmir. They were given the responsibility to stop the increasing smuggling of narcotics.

2000 Kashmiri girls participated in police recruitment rally
Recently around 2000 Kashmiri girls participated in the recruitment rally for J&K Police. This recruitment was on 650 posts. Two women battalions are being formed here. For this, 650-650 women are being recruited from Kashmir and Jammu.

my passion is to join the police
The women who attended the rally were excited to serve the country. 26-year-old Sana Jan is from North Kashmir. She says joining the police is my passion. I want to serve the country and eradicate crime from the society.

It was not possible for male soldiers to search women in Kupwara.  Women did this job well.

It was not possible for male soldiers to search women in Kupwara. Women did this job well.

ADGP Danesh Rana was monitoring the recruitment process. He said that for the first time in Jammu and Kashmir Police recruitment was done at battalion level. Girls want to be a part of police department. He is excited to serve the country.

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