Karnataka: Door-to-door vaccination campaign begins in Hubli. Hubli News – Times of India

Hubli: After the rise in Coivd-19 cases SDM College of Medical Sciences The campus, district administration and HDMC have focused their attention on achieving 100% first dose vaccination in the district over the next few weeks.
Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation is facing challenges to reach the target as some people in urban areas are still hesitant to take the first dose.
To convince such reluctant people, the authorities have started door-to-door vaccination campaign Hubli To vaccinate all eligible people. HDMC officials, including HDMC commissioner Suresh Itnal, are visiting each ward, who has reported low immunization and persuading people to pick them up at their doorstep for the first time since Sunday.
“We have achieved almost 100% vaccination of the first dose”, Suresh Ital told TOI. Dharwad Urban, but we have achieved only 88% vaccination in Hubli because people of some wards have misconception about vaccination.
“We have identified some areas including Ganesh Peth, Moulali Jopadi, Toravihakkal, Hegeri, Banticatti and other areas of Hubli, where people are still refusing to take the first call despite our efforts to clear their doubts. There is also a danger of the third wave and the spread of new omicron version of covid. Hence, we have started door-to-door vaccination campaign,” he said.
“Medical officers are visiting wards that have reported low vaccinations and holding meetings with religious heads and leaders of all communities to understand those who are still not ready to take the vaccine. With the help of local leaders, we have now vaccinated hundreds of people at their homes in Ganesh Peth and other areas in the last two days,” Itnal said.
He said that we have formed six teams led by a doctor to visit all the wards reporting low vaccination.
“Around 90% of the people in the district got the first dose. Every day we are vaccinating around 20,000 people in the district, and soon we will achieve 100% vaccination in districts including Hubli city,” he said.
“We are also visiting cinema halls, swimming pools, hotels, bars and restaurants, malls and other crowded places to do at least 10% of the RT-PCR testing target daily. Apart from this, we have asked all owners of malls, cinema halls, marriage halls and other places to allow only those who have been fully vaccinated,” he said.
