Karnataka businessman introduced bill to fix potholes Hubli News – Times of India

Hubli: Incessant rains have either filled or damaged the roads with potholes. Motorists, especially two wheeler drivers, suffer the most.
Lamp Shirolikar, One right to Information The activist, who has been fighting for better roads for years, has now taken up the task of repairing such roads in Hubli-Dharwad. Irritated by the attitude and shoddy work of hdmc, he says,
“I have seen many minor accidents happen because of these potholes. I am spending a part of my earnings. I carry materials like red clay, waste concrete and fix potholes and broken roads on my two-wheeler. ”
Shirolikar, a real estate Businessman By profession, says this is his method of protest and he hopes to get the attention of HDMC. “I have requested HDMC to repair the roads many times but in vain. I have asked friends to notify me when they come across a road in Hubli that needs minor repairs and potholes. I’ve run into about 20 such minor repairs. Of course, I cannot repair all the roads in the city, whatever is possible will do,” he said.
Anil Ronimath, a resident of Basaveshwar Nagar, has given Shirolikar to Akshay Park, Basaveshwar Nagar and Akshay Colony. “Their patchwork is greatly appreciated,” he says.
Shirolikar says that in some places the local people living with him have supported him in repairing or filling potholes.


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