Karan Kundrra: Panicking over fear of third wave won’t help fight covid

Actor Karan Kundrra believes that the fear of the third wave of coronavirus and the new Delta Plus variant should not deter people from focusing on important things. He stressed on the importance of following the protocol.

“Panic isn’t going to help. Only being more careful will help. I’m not saying it’s not a dangerous situation. It’s a dangerous situation, but panic won’t do anything. Whatever the type, if You always wear a mask and if you always follow social distancing, it is going to stay away. So, you have to take care of yourself, your family first and everyone will be safe at the end.”

He adds: “You follow protocol and you try to stay indoors. If it is really important for you to go out, keep your distance, and you should be fine. There is no need to panic. There’s no use in panic.”

The actor revealed how he took measures to shoot safely with the team of his show.

“Initially, when the second wave came, we went into a bio bubble. So, what we did for the show is that we went to a resort in Silvassa. Our entire unit was tested and we were at the resort. Went in and we couldn’t. Go out. No one could come in and no one could go out. The supplies would come in and they all were tested. Since Silvassa is a little far away, shooting in Filmcity is a lot. It was not risky. So, everyone was safe. We shot there for 2 months, then we came back,” he says.

Moving on, he explains the protocols that are being followed in Mumbai.

“We have to shoot within a time frame. The unit has been reduced to 1/3 of its size, not many people can come, a lot of the unit has to be on set in Filmcity, and they don’t have local transportation. It is allowed to pick up or go back to their home. Only the actors and the director team can go back and we are not allowed to meet outsiders. So, it’s just like a bio bubble. If you break the bubble then one has to Will have to get tested. Now there are vaccination drives too. So, we all had to be vaccinated and we were given three days’ rest and only then we were allowed to go on the sets,” reveals Karan.


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