Kanwar Yatra: Security tightened at Haridwar border to prevent entry of Kanwariyas

Kanwar Yatra, Kanwar Yatra canceled
Image Source: PTI

Kanwar Yatra Cancelled: Deployment at borders has been strengthened and vigil has been increased to ensure that there is no violation.

Security was beefed up at the borders of Haridwar district on Saturday to prevent entry of Kanwariyas, as Uttarakhand has suspended the Kanwar Yatra this year in view of the threat of a third Covid wave.

Though the pilgrimage has been suspended, there is a possibility that Kanwariyas may still try to enter Haridwar, which shares a border with Uttar Pradesh, to collect water from the Ganges and worship Lord Shiva.

Deployment has been increased at the boundaries of the district so that Kanwariyas do not enter Haridwar. However, if some of them reach the border, they will be asked to go back, Uttarakhand Director General of Police (DGP) Ashok Kumar said.

“If they insist, action will be taken,” he said. With Shravan month starting tomorrow and the kanwariyas are likely to try to enter the city as the pilgrimage begins.

Therefore, deployment at borders has been strengthened and vigil has been increased to ensure that there is no violation.

The Uttarakhand Police has already issued orders to put the Kanwariyas in forced quarantine for 14 days if they dare to violate the ban on travel.

However, there will be no restriction on the entry of tourists whose RT-PCR test report is negative and who are registered on the smart city portal.

Read also | Now, Delhi has canceled the Kanwar Yatra in view of the Kovid-19 epidemic.

Read also | Supreme Court satisfied with UP government’s reply on Kanwar Yatra

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