Kanpur: Patients Outraged Over CGHS Doctor’s Alleged Habitual Misconduct, Verbal Abuse; No Action Yet

Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh – In a shocking incident, Dr Sanath Kumar, a doctor attached to the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) in Kanpur, is facing serious allegations of habitual misconduct and verbal abuse from the beneficiaries of the scheme. Angered by the alleged misbehaviour, a delegation of patients has taken the matter into their own hands and met the local authorities, demanding immediate action.

History of complaints against Dr. Sanath Kumar

Sources reveal that this is not the first time that Dr. Sanath Kumar has faced criticism and complaints from patients and fellow staff members at the CGHS clinic in Nagar Dispensary. Patients have come forward to express their anguish, claiming that doctors often neglect proper health check-ups, prescribe medicines in haste without accurate diagnosis, and resort to physical aggression and verbal abuse when asked about their practices. resort to insults. Despite previous complaints being filed against them with higher authorities, no concrete solution has been found so far.

Patients seek justice, express concerns

Representatives of the Pensioners’ Forum recently met the District Magistrate and the Sub-Divisional Magistrate to formally present their grievances and seek their immediate intervention. Anand Awasthi, President of the Pensioners’ Forum, emphasized that the alleged behavior of Dr. Sanath Kumar not only undermines the trust of the patients but also raises serious concerns about the possible violation of law.

Disturbing Pattern of Privacy Invasion and Harassment

The allegations against Dr. Sanath Kumar go beyond abusive language and abuse. Disturbing reports suggest that he also exhibits a disturbing pattern of invading the privacy of female patients and subjecting them to harassment. Additionally, it has also been claimed that the doctor often enters the premises of female staff members without permission, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. Similar complaints against Dr Sanath Kumar have also surfaced from other dispensaries in Kanpur including Saket Nagar and Ratan Lal Nagar.

video evidence of collision

Adding fuel to the fire, a recent video went viral, in which Dr. Sanath Kumar is shown getting into a heated argument and physical assault with a female patient. The woman accused the doctor of misbehaving and refusing to give the necessary medicine. Staff members have lodged several complaints against Dr. Sanath Kumar, yet no concrete action has been taken against him.

Call for swift action and justice

Shri Awasthi expressed his gratitude for listening patiently to the officials, who assured him that a thorough investigation would be done and appropriate action would be taken in the matter. However, patients and staff members alike are anxiously awaiting prompt action to address the alleged misconduct and misbehavior by Dr. Sanath Kumar. Concerns have been raised over the quality of health services provided under the CGHS in Kanpur, and the community sincerely hopes that the authorities will prioritize the well-being and safety of patients in the area by taking necessary steps to rectify the situation immediately.