Kanjhawala Case: Home ministry directs Delhi Police to take action against on-duty PCR vans, pickets

New Delhi: The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Thursday directed the Delhi Police to suspend three PCR vans and all personnel deployed at two pickets in the night after a 20-year-old woman was killed by her scooter in the national capital. A car had hit her and she was dragged for 10-12 kms. Officials said the Home Ministry also directed the Delhi Police to issue show-cause notices to the supervisory officers of PCR vans and police pickets for alleged dereliction of their duties.

The ministry suggested the Delhi Police to file a charge sheet against the culprits in the court at the earliest and take all necessary steps so that they are punished.

The action was taken following a report submitted by an inquiry committee headed by Special Commissioner Shalini Singh. Officials said disciplinary action would also be taken against the policemen on duty that night.

The report was prepared by Special Commissioner of Police Shalini Singh, who was tasked to submit a detailed report after a proper investigation after Union Home Minister Amit Shah had earlier directed his ministry to seek a detailed report on the incident from the Delhi Police Was.

The Home Ministry directed the city police to file a charge sheet in the matter at the earliest so that the guilty are punished. The gruesome incident took place in the early hours of January 1 at Kanjhawala in outer Delhi.

The victim’s two-wheeler was hit by a car and her body was dragged for about 10-12 kms from Sultanpuri to Kanjhawala. Five people in the car have been arrested along with several of their accomplices. (With PTI/ANI inputs)