Kadha recipe: From high blood sugar to flu, drink kadha to beat ailments this winter – how to prepare at home

Both Recipes: We have all learned over the past two years how important it is to strengthen the body’s natural defense system. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the pandemic, it’s that we shouldn’t take our health for granted and that the best way to fight disease is by boosting our defenses, that is, our immune system. The age-old Vedic concoction, the mystical combination that has been a well-known part of history, is a great place to start while adding immunity-boosting foods and beverages to our normal diet, even as our immune systems fight off infectious agents. be proficient in disease.

What is decoction?

Created by ancient sages with deep knowledge of herbs and spices, this decoction is used across India as a general precaution to prevent cold and boost immunity. It is made from simple ingredients available in every kitchen. Another potent superfood from the timeless tradition of ancient Indian wellness, Kadha is being rediscovered by the world as it improves the body’s natural ability to fight common ailments. Before discussing the preparation and proportion of the decoction, let us have a look at some of the important benefits.

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11 Health Benefits of Kadha

  1. Highly effective against common cold and cough
  2. Anti-viral and anti-inflammation
  3. A natural adaptogen that helps reduce stress
  4. reduces mucus
  5. throat decongestant and decongestant
  6. Increases immunity
  7. strong detoxification
  8. fights internal infections
  9. lowers blood pressure
  10. regulates blood sugar
  11. Aids digestion and acidity

decoction recipe

In terms of preparation, it usually includes herbs and spices such as cardamom, dry ginger, turmeric, black pepper, clove, cinnamon, ajwain (carom seeds), fennel, amla (Indian gooseberry), tulsi (holy basil), licorice, It is prepared by boiling. , e.t.c. This liquid is then filtered and consumed.

It tastes mildly astringent with highly soothing flavours, a perfect homemade drink for a cozy get-together. It has pungent notes of cardamom and hints of earthy sweetness from cinnamon and aniseed. The sure shot of black pepper and dry ginger clears the throat instantly.

There is no single recipe for decoction. Everyone has their own combination of spices and herbs depending on availability. However, generally, all kadha recipes will include cloves, cinnamon, dry ginger, licorice and basil. When making your own decoction at home, it’s important to understand why you should use certain ingredients and how they will benefit your health.


Turmeric is a well-known spice that contains curcumin. Rich in antioxidants, curcumin has high anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric also helps fight free radicals in the body.

Black pepper

Black pepper is a powerful spice with strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The piperine in black pepper increases the bioavailability (absorption of nutrients by the body) of curcumin and other compounds, making it the magic ingredient in decoctions.

Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Also called Indian basil, basil is loaded with vitamins A and C. As a natural adaptogen, Tulsi helps the body adapt to stress and anxiety. It has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help fight infections internally. Tulsi helps in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol.


Ginger is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps in relieving nausea and aids in digestion. Ginger is also said to help lower blood sugar.


Made from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree, this sweet spice is a powerhouse of antioxidants that boost immunity by neutralizing the effects of free radicals in the body. It is also known to be effective in fighting bacterial and fungal infections.


These tiny flower buds have a strong, minty flavor. Cloves are rich in vitamins, and the candles have anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties, and they help improve respiration, stress relief, dental health, and blood circulation.

You can make your own version of kadha at home using these ingredients in proper amounts. While it is recommended to have it daily, you can start making a habit by drinking 2-3 cups a week.

We all have very busy schedules and little time for leisure, which makes it difficult to take care of our health. On days like these, we all look for something more convenient, so if you prefer an easy-to-make tea that is made from 100% high-quality natural ingredients.


(- Bala Sarada, Founder & CEO, Vahadam India)