Kabul Gurdwara attack: India grants e-visas to 100 Sikhs, Hindus in Afghanistan

New Delhi: In the wake of the recent terror attack on a gurdwara in Kabul, the Indian government has issued e-visas to over 100 Sikhs and Hindus living in Afghanistan, PTI quoted sources as saying. Government sources said the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has given these electronic visas to these people “on priority basis”. “After the attack on the gurdwara in Kabul, India has given e-visas to over 100 Afghan Sikhs and Hindus,” a source told the news agency. In the early hours of Saturday, two people, including a Sikh, died in E Bala locality.

A spokesman for Afghanistan’s Interior Ministry confirmed that one of those killed was a member of Islamic Emirate forces and the other was an Afghan Sikh national. The Pazvok news agency reported that three attackers were also killed by Taliban forces. It was the latest targeted attack on a place of worship of the minority Sikh community in Afghanistan.

India on Saturday strongly condemned the “cowardly attack” on the gurdwara in Kabul. “The cowardly attack on Gurdwara Karta Parwan must be condemned in strong words by all. We are closely monitoring the developments ever since we got the news of the attack. Our first and foremost concern is for the welfare of the community,” External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar wrote in a tweet.

PM Modi also condemned the ‘barbaric’ attack And tweeted, “Shocked by the cowardly terrorist attack against Karta Parwan Gurdwara in Kabul. I condemn this barbaric attack, and pray for the safety and welfare of the devotees.”

ISKP claimed responsibility for Kabul Gurdwara attack

Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) has claimed responsibility for the attack. At the Gurudwara in Kabul. According to ISKP, ‘Abu Muhammad Al Tajiki’ carried out the attack to avenge the insult to Prophet Mohammed by now suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma.

(with agency input)