July 4th isn’t just American Independence Day, it’s also the day the president kicks the bucket. Yes, you read that right

4th of July, Fourth of July, American Independence, Presidents Death, US Presidents Death, Independent
Image Source : WHITEHOUSE.GOV/Collage by India TV

(LR): John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe, who died on Independence Day.

The Fourth of July is one of the most celebrated holidays in America. It is a day when animals are most feared by fireworks and a day when three US Presidents are eaten.

4th of July, as the world knows, is the day when the Declaration of Independence was made. American states eventually broke free from Britain. But the holiday also has a strange connection. Three presidents died that day, and conspirators believe the fact to be more than just a coincidence.

Two presidents – John Adams and Thomas Jefferson – passed by in 1826 with a difference of just five hours. The third, James Monroe, died exactly five years later.

Strangely enough – all three of these presidents had founding fathers. He served as the second, third, and fifth US president. Even the fourth president, James Madison, died on June 28, 1836. Just six days before the Fourth of July.

The first person to die – Thomas Jefferson, was 83 when he passed away. He had been ill for a long time and developed a fever the day before his death in Virginia.

John Adams died just five hours after that in Massachusetts. He was 90 years old and was already on his death bed. It was the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

James Monroe died of tuberculosis five years later. He was 73 years old. Even though the timing of death may be erased as a coincidence, this tradition still frightens many. Parallel lives, and the concept of two people living and dying in the same way, may be more prevalent than ‘just a coincidence’.

Kennedy, Lincoln – Mysterious Parallel Lives

Just as the 4th of July is the day the three Founding Fathers died, there is also a terrifying theory of parallel lives that draws the creepy parallels between two of America’s beloved presidents – John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln.

The similarities in their lives may have little to do with coincidence or unfortunate resemblance.

The two presidents, separated by centuries, became presidents in the 60s. Both lost their sons while in the White House. On Friday, both were shot in the head while their wives were present. More substantial, both murders involved cheaters. The assassinations of Lincoln and Kennedy were captured at the Texas Theater in Dallas, at Ford’s Theatre, Washington, DC.

So, what’s in the conspiracies surrounding US presidents? We’ll probably never know.

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