Jihadi attacks may increase in Kashmir; Pakistan’s TTP will increase in Taliban’s Afghanistan: India’s internal security report

Terrorist attacks possible in India amid Taliban occupation AfghanistanThe instability of a war-ravaged country could pave the way for it to become a haven for all foreign terrorists, a look at India’s internal security assessment CNN-News18 come to know. Live Updates: PM Hassan Akhund congratulates Afghans on new Islamic government after ’20 years of fighting with America’

CNN-News18 Accessed internal security assessments of Indian agencies after Afghanistan fell to the Taliban. According to this, global jihad could become a major challenge for India, and the country cannot watch the rise of the rebels in isolation.

The document states that the defeat of NATO and US forces is a major concern for security systems around the world, and that worldwide jihad is 400 times greater than at the time of the September 11 Twin Tower attacks.

Global jihad will continue to grow and expand, and the defeat of the world’s ‘most powerful forces’ is a major morale booster for jihadists and radical elements, it said.

An unstable Afghanistan will affect Pakistan and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) will be revived, the assessment showed. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, also known as Pakistani Taliban, is a Pashtun Islamic armed student group, an umbrella organization of various student terrorist groups based on the Afghan-Pakistan border, according to reports.

The document states that TTP has become a major terror organization and all jihadi groups in Pakistan have joined it, even its rival groups.

Meanwhile, the document revealed that “more jihadist activities will be seen in other parts of South Asia as well, including Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka and the disputed Kashmir region.”

It was also assessed that jihadis may use caste divisions in the country to justify their activities.

Pakistan will try to move all its terror groups out of the federally administered tribal areas

The document states that areas bordering Afghanistan and Nangarhar could become potential colonies of these groups.

The document states that narcotics terrorism will also increase following the increased use of Pakistani currency in Afghanistan, and drug trafficking will increase two-fold “because Afghanistan has to pay something against the currency”.

Twenty years ago, terrorist groups attacked an advanced country such as the United States, and now things are more “sophisticated”, the assessment said, adding that the use of technology by these groups is taking the world to a “different tangent”. can. “.

The document said that with Afghanistan becoming “the junction of these groups” and being backed by Pakistan, it would be difficult for the world to control them.

With a very real threat facing India, more development-oriented programs will be launched for the youth, including educating them about the harm caused by jihad.

The document states that the government will aim for preventive measures to avoid any catastrophe, and create more inclusive policies for Muslims to provide a sense of belonging in the country.

The assessment said it is intended to provide a more detailed case study of the damage caused by jihad.

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