Afghanistan: 10 killed, over 40 injured in blast at a mosque in Mazar-e-Sharif

Image Source : PHOTO FOR REPRESENTATION At least five people are dead and several others are…

At least 5 dead, 65 injured in blast at mosque in Afghanistan’s Mazar-i-Sharif city

At least five people have died and 65 others injured in a blast at a mosque…

Taliban warns not to ‘destabilize’ US in face-to-face talks

The Taliban warned the United States not to “destabilize” the regime during its first face-to-face talks…

US, Taliban spokesman on ‘fooling’ Afghan forces: ‘I didn’t exist for them, I was right under their nose’

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid, who appeared before the media at a news conference for the first…

Jihadi attacks may increase in Kashmir; Pakistan’s TTP will increase in Taliban’s Afghanistan: India’s internal security report

Terrorist attacks possible in India amid Taliban occupation AfghanistanThe instability of a war-ravaged country could pave…

‘Recognizing’ the Taliban: Difficult for the world, an acid test for militants

While questions remain about whether or not to grant recognition to the Taliban’s ‘legality’, whether the…

Taliban 11km from Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif under multi-level attack – Times of India

Islamabad: Taliban seized control of the capital of Calm And Kunar provinces and launched a major…

Afghanistan’s fourth largest city Mazar-e-Sharif in the hands of Taliban

Image Source: AP Taliban fighters sit in the back of a vehicle in the city of…