Jharkhand: Rar erupts in coalition government, Congress MLAs fight over ministerial

ANI, Ranchi

published by: Amit Mandal
Updated Thu, 07 April 2022 10:53 PM IST


In Jharkhand, there is a scuffle among Congress MLAs over the ministerial berth. They want everyone should be given opportunity on the basis of performance.

Congress MLA Irfan Ansari

Congress MLA Irfan Ansari
– Photo : ANI

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All is not well under the Congress-JMM coalition government in Jharkhand. Here too, there is a tussle over the ministerial position in the Congress. Now the legislators have started speaking openly about this.

Jharkhand Congress MLA Irfan Ansari has raised his voice regarding this. When asked whether he wants a reshuffle in the state cabinet? He said, we have 4 ministers, 16 MLAs. Everyone should be given opportunity on the basis of performance. Our legislators are upset. It should be done like in Rajasthan where every MLA is given an opportunity of 2.5 years.

He said that about 9 Congress MLAs have given their consent to this. We will go to Delhi after Ram Navami with a detailed report and tell KC Venugopal and Rahul Gandhi.