Jarvoo or Book Launch Event? Indian fans point to poor ECB management after Manchester Test was canceled

control board for Cricket After discussions with the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) in India (BCCI) announced in a statement on Friday that the fifth and final Test at Old Trafford in Manchester has been cancelled. The ECB had said in its statement that due to the possibility of further increase of Kovid-19 cases inside the camp, India would not be able to field the team.

The news came as a major disappointment to both English and Indian cricket fans and they blamed poor management for the current mess.

While English fans believed that Team India members broke the COVID-19 bubble rules which eventually led to the virus inside their camp, Indian fans had a different opinion.

Former England captain Michael Vaughan said in a tweet that ‘India has let England cricket down’.

The post sparked a sharp reaction with one of the users to blame the England board for its poor management which involved large crowds, no social distancing, no bio bubble with fans in the ground.

Another user on the microblogging site agreed to disagree with Vaughan, making a sarcastic comment. He wrote that India did not disappoint England by completing the fourth Test despite their coaches testing positive, while England certainly did not disappoint India by treating Jarvoo as a joke and not a shameful and grave error. The third wrote, “English cricket should also ensure that the bubble protection is tight, this means that people like Jarvoo from the crowd cannot go and touch the players.”

England fans blamed the book launch event which was attended by India cricketers along with coach Ravi Shastri. Pictures of the same had surfaced online and it was heavily criticized by many.

Currently, in the five-match Test series, India lead 2-1, as the first Test was a draw.

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