Jaggery benefits: Eat Gur in these 5 forms to gain its health benefits in winter

Benefits of Jaggery: Jaggery, commonly known as “gur” in Hindi, is known as “belum” in Telugu, “vellam” in Tamil, “sharkara” in Malayalam, “bela” in Kannada, and “gul” in Marathi. Also known. It is essentially raw, concentrated sugarcane juice that has not been processed. A common ingredient in Indian households during winters is jaggery or jaggery.

Some people use it as an after-meal treat, while others use it as a substitute for sweet desserts. In both the cases, jaggery has many health benefits. It is an exceptional source of healthy nutrients including iron, vitamin C, protein, potassium and magnesium and helps prevent acidity and bad breath.

Here are five different ways to include jaggery in your diet that can benefit you more than you can imagine.

1. Jaggery Milk (Jaggery Milk)

If you add some jaggery to your glass or a cup of milk every day, your immunity will increase. Drinking jaggery milk helps with period cramps and abdominal pain and also improves your digestive system.

2. Nolen Gurer (palm molasses)

Made from palm trees, Nolen Jaggery has amazing taste and texture, but it also has its own benefits. Iron, magnesium, manganese and potassium are all present in reasonable amounts in Nolen Jaggery.

Additionally, it contains some calcium, zinc and vitamins. Relieving menstrual cramps, relieving sore throat, treating constipation and relieving migraine pain are all possible from this.

3. good luck

The best substitute for sugar in traditional halwa is jaggery. Not only does it add to the iron content of your diet, but it also imparts a lovely mild flavor to the halwa.

Jaggery goes well with potato pudding as potatoes are rich in minerals. But since it requires a fair amount of ghee, you must be careful with the quantity. Jaggery pudding can be made from a variety of dry fruits, including pistachios, almonds, and raisins.

4. Good morning

Jaggery can be melted with a little ghee and then mixed with til (white sesame seeds). To avoid the possibility of hardening of the mixture, this mixture should be made into laddoos while it is still hot. Sesame is especially beneficial for individuals with high blood pressure, is highly nutritious, and boosts immunity.

5. Masala Gur

Jaggery mixed with nuts and spices is known as Masala Jaggery (Meva Jaggery, Masala Jaggery, Spiced Jaggery Bites). It is a popular Indian dish prepared in North India during winters.

It consists of simple jaggery, ghee, dry ginger powder, carom seeds (ajwain), cashew nuts, almonds, makhana, edible gum (gum), desiccated coconut, pistachios (pistachios), poppy seeds (khus khas) and watermelon seeds. Now it sounds complicated but this masala jaggery can do wonders for your health and can boost immunity and keep away from cold and cough.