Jack Dorsey Challenges Elon Musk to Make Everything Public Now; Twitter CEO Responds

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey challenged the new owner Elon Musk To stop creating sensationalism around the ‘Twitter Files’ and to make everything public instead of “without filters”. Musk, who released the first episode of ‘The Twitter Files’ last week, also covered the platform’s controversial decision to suppress Hunter Biden’s laptop story. prompted his followers to reveal ‘Episode 2 of The Twitter Files’ but delayed it, saying he would need more time.

Dorsey challenged Musk on Twitter that “if the goal is transparency to build trust, why not release everything without filters and let people judge for themselves?” Including all discussions about current and future operations? Now make everything public”.

Musk responded on Thursday: “The most important data was concealed (even from you) and some may have been redacted, but anything we find will be released”.

Episode 1 of ‘The Twitter Files’ implicated Vijaya Gadde, the former Indian-origin head of legal, policy and trust at the company, for suppressing the laptop story of US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden on the platform.

Without disclosing how he obtained them, independent journalist and author Matt Taibbi shared the ‘Twitter files’ on the platform last weekend with an endorsement by Musk.

“The decision (to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story) was made at the highest levels of the company, but without the knowledge of CEO Jack Dorsey, Vijaya Gadde, former head of legal, policy and trust, played a key role,” the claim said. What did you do?

He added, “A wonderful subplot of the Twitter/Hunter Biden laptop case was how much was done without CEO Jack Dorsey’s knowledge.”

In October 2020, just before the US presidential elections, Twitter restricted a New York Post article containing unverified claims about the activities of Hunter Biden, the son of US President Joe Biden, in Ukraine.

Twitter had said the content violated the company’s “hacked content policy”.

Dorsey then tweeted that blocking content without providing more context was “unacceptable”. He was also questioned about the episode before the US Congress in November 2020.

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