Israeli drone strike targets vehicle in southern Lebanon – report

Clouds of smoke were seen in southern Lebanon on Thursday in what local media reported as an airstrike targeting a vehicle in the region of Nabatieh.

Lebanese and Palestinian reports claimed the attack was carried out by an Israeli drone,

Three IDF soldiers wounded, one seriously, in Hezbollah attack

Numerous anti-tank missiles were fired from Lebanon into the areas of Kiryat Shmona, Biranit, and Mt. Hermon in northern Israel on Thursday, with at least one soldier being seriously wounded.

The soldier was wounded when an anti-tank missile landed near Kiryat Shmona. Two other soldiers were lightly wounded in the incident. 

The wounded have been evacuated to hospital.

IDF strikes Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon. February 9, 2024. (Credit: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit)


In response, IDF fighter jets struck at Hezbollah terror infrastructure and a military compound in the area of Khiam in southern Lebanon, from which the missiles were fired toward Kiryat Shmona.

An anti-tank missile also hit a house in Kiryat Shmona on Thursday morning. The IDF responded with artillery fire, the military stated. 

IDF continues Khan Yunis operations 

Elsewhere, the IDF is continuing to fight in western Khan Yunis in addition to the northern and central parts of the Gaza Strip and has successfully arrested and eliminated terrorists who participated in the October 7 massacre, according to the IDF.

Combat soldiers from the Commando Unit are continuing to engage in intense fighting within western Khan Yunis. Since Wednesday, the unit has arrested dozens of suspects of terrorism, including two who were involved in the October 7 attacks.

Maglan unit fighters killed three terrorists, two at close range and one on a school roof via gunfire.