Israeli-American hostages’ families: Best way for regional peace is returning the 133 in captivity

Geopolitics can not obscure the fact there are still 133 innocent hostages in Hamas captivity, the families of Israeli-American hostages said Monday in a statement. 

It’s critical that the US and all parties in the region remain “laser-focused on securing the safe and swift release” of the 133 remaining hostages in Gaza, including eight American citizens, who have either been murdered or are slowly dying under the control of Hamas terrorists – a direct extension of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the families said. 

“For the past six months, we have been horrified by Iran’s aggression towards Israel – first through its support of Hamas’ October 7 attack and now with the launch of more than 300 drones and missiles toward Israel,” the families said. 

Freeing hostages requires global effort

The families called on the global community for help in securing the immediate release of the hostages.

Rachel Goldberg-Polin, mother of Hersh, speaks at WZO’s Heschel Conference on Jewish Peoplehood. March 20, 2024. (credit: Tammy Gottlieb)

The families said, “there is no better deterrence against an Israeli military response to Iran’s attack and no better avenue by which to achieve peace in the region than returning these souls to their loved ones.”