Israel seizes millions in Iran Quds Force, Hezbollah crypto assets

Israel’s defense establishment seized millions of dollars in cryptocurrencies belonging to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps just days ago quds force And HezbollahDefense Minister Yoav Gallant made the announcement Tuesday night.

The Defense Minister said that this is the biggest ever seizure of cryptocurrencies from those groups.

irgc quds force Iran has a specialized intelligence agency for terror, espionage and fomenting unrest abroad, and Hezbollah is one of its main representatives in Lebanon.

Gallant Says Crypto Funds Are Used to Finance Terror

Cryptocurrencies have been a boon for terrorist groups and other illegal organizations as it allows them to escape strict banking regulations and tracking mechanisms.

The Defense Minister confirmed that the funds were specifically designated to be used for terrorist purposes.

Defense Minister Yoav Galant shows photographic evidence of Iranian “floating terror bases” at a conference in Herzliya on May 22, 2023 (Credit: Avishalom Sassoni/Flash90)

He said the Ministry of Defense’s Division for the Economic War on Terror worked closely with the Mossad, IDF intelligence, police and other authorities (the Ministry of Justice has a special division dealing with terror financing) and Worked on using new technological tools to track financiers. New techniques tried to conceal their circulation of money.

Gallant said Israel will continue its relentless fight against Iran and other terrorist financing organizations.