Israel sees high demand for third vaccine shots – Times of India

Jerusalem: Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett People are said to be rushing to get a third vaccine shot as a form of protection against the growing delta version of the coronavirus.
Bennett pointed to government data on Sunday showing that more than 420,000 Israelis over the age of 60 have received a booster shot, more than a third of the total target population. Bennett said that the number is expected to rise to half a million people by the end of the day.
PM said after weekly cabinet meeting. Israel The number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 is increasing, almost all of them infected with the highly contagious Delta variant. The government has restored its mask mandate for indoor settings and is weighing more restrictions.
Israel became the world leader in vaccination against the virus during its initial public campaign. Of the country’s 9.3 million people, about 5.4 million have received two doses of the vaccine.
NS World Health Organization There have been calls in recent days to stop giving booster shots to help preserve supplies so that people in poor countries can get their first dose.


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