Israel: PA has allowed Iran to gain a West Bank foothold

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations in New York said the Palestinian Authority has allowed Iran a foothold in the West Bank and supported its terrorist activities there. from GileadThe warning came ahead of a closed-door UNSC meeting on Friday about the IDF’s Jenin operation.

“The Palestinian Authority not only takes no action against terror, but it also allows bastions of Iranian terror to emerge in areas such as Jenin and Nablus,” Erdan said.

The meeting was called by the UAE along with France, China and Brazil after a two-day event by the IDF Military Operation in JeninIn which it was said that 12 Palestinian terrorists were killed and the terrorist infrastructure was destroyed.

The United Nations has calculated that about 3,500 Palestinians were displaced and homes and shops destroyed in that campaign.

“Schools and hospitals were damaged. Water and electricity networks were disrupted. And those in need were prevented from accessing essential care and relief,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told reporters at the United Nations in New York on Thursday.

The weapons were seized by Palestinians, which saw Israel launch a major air and ground offensive on the West Bank city of Jenin, one of its largest military operations in Palestinian territory in years. July 3, 2023. (Credit: Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

Palestinian terrorism led to Jenin violence

He called on Israel to “exercise restraint” and to use only “proportionate force”.

Erden reminded the 15-member council in a letter to the UNSC ahead of its meeting Israel is battling a wave of terrorWhich includes the three attacks that took place last month.

The wave was “perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists affiliated with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, with the encouragement of the Palestinian Authority, as well as guidance and funding from Iran.”

He reported that “in the past year, 52 Israelis were murdered by Palestinian terrorists, many of whom were executed from or within the Jenin region.

“Last week, June 26, 2023, two Rockets fired from Jenin towards Israel And Israel has also faced the threat of recent mortar attacks from the area,” he explained.

During the Jenin military operation, which Israel has called Operation Home and Garden, the IDF found munitions factories and even guidebooks that explained how to produce explosives. Erdan explained.

The IDF also discovered tunnels, one of which passed under the al-Ansar Mosque, Erdan said, adding that the tunnels’ two entrance shafts were inside the mosque itself.

“Years of provocations by the PA and inaction of the international community have fueled a culture of anti-Palestinian hatred, leading to this destabilizing situation,” he added.

This is the second closed-door meeting on Israel by the UNSC in the past few weeks. It met on 22 June to discuss expediting Israeli West Bank settlement activity.