Islamic Council’s ‘objection’ is that sexual handicap rapists punished with chemicals should be excluded

A new law passed in Pakistan removes the last-minute punishment for incapacitating a rapist with a chemical. The government has taken this decision on the advice of the State Islamic Council.

Despite the proposed law, the new law passed in Pakistan did not provide for the ultimate punishment for rape. Parliamentary Secretary for Legal Affairs Maleka Bukhari confirmed the information at a news conference on Friday, Reuters reported. “We have amended the criminal law and decided to remove the provision disabling (rape) intercourse with chemicals,” he told reporters in Islamabad.

He said the provision was amended following the opinion of the State Islamic Ideology Council (IIC) at the last moment of passing the law. He says the punishment for disabling sexual intercourse is un-Islamic. The section specified in the moment before the vote was removed from the draft.

Earlier on Wednesday, Imran Khan’s government hurriedly passed three dozen laws in Parliament, including an anti-rape crime law, with provisions for punishment for incapacitating sexual intercourse, local and international news agencies reported. it was done. Various human rights groups, including Amnesty International, have expressed concern over the report.

Sexual crimes against women and children are common in Pakistan, according to the non-profit non-profit organization War Against Rape, only 3 percent of cases involve a conviction. Protests erupted across the country in 2020 after a mother was gang-raped on the highway in front of her son. The court hanged two people involved in the incident. At the time, Prime Minister Imran Khan had said that rapists should be punished in such a way that they could be sexually harassed or incapacitated.

Poland, South Korea, the Czech Republic and some US states have similar penalties. Although human rights activists call it inhumane

(Note: Report was taken from Deutsche Welle. That report has been published. No representative of Hindustan Times Bangla has written this report.)
