Is your relationship healthy or obsessive?

When you meet someone and feel those butterflies in your stomach, you definitely like them. You just smile when they are around, love everything about them, you feel inspired, cared, loved and happy. In the early days of a relationship, when love begins to blossom, you want to spend every moment of the day with your loved one. This feeling is incomparable. In a healthy relationship, both of you have an equal amount of respect, love and care for each other which keeps the relationship going. You don’t feel the burden of being in a relationship or bothered at work.

While there are different definitions of love for everyone, there are some things that are not love. Love is a healthy thing whereas passion is not. Through movies and novels we learn to fall in love obsessively instead of having healthy relationships. Love or passion for your partner can create disastrous situations and you may not even notice them. If you are in a relationship, and feel trapped, it is not a sign of a healthy relationship.

If you’re confused whether your partner is in love or obsessed with you, look for these signs:

spends too much time checking up on you

If your partner calls you every second of the day, sends many messages, doesn’t give you space at all, then they are overly obsessed with you. There the world revolves around you and has no other social connection.

controls you

If your partner controls what you do, what you should wear, who to talk to, or spend time with, that’s not a healthy sign. An obsessive lover likes to control his partner to such an extent that the other starts feeling suffocated. They emotionally blackmail him to fulfill his wish.


If your partner follows you everywhere and keeps checking your social media if you are outside, then they are following you. They do not respect your privacy and have trust issues.

wants to know everything

From your daily schedule to your phone password, your email access, your house keys, your friends, an obsessive lover wants to know everything. This suggests their insecurity or over-controlling nature.

depending on you

If your partner relies on you for their needs, emotional support and pretends that they are nothing and cannot live without you, then they are using you as an object. They are making you feel guilty whenever you thought of leaving a relationship.

Love is pure but passion is not. So, if you can relate any of the above to your relationship, then it is time to clear the boundaries and take a stand for yourself.

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