Is Lokesh Kanagaraj Considering Directing an Action Project With Jayaram?

Last Update: January 06, 2023, 16:35 IST

In conversation he announced that he is considering directing an action film with Power Star Jayaram.

In conversation he announced that he is considering directing an action film with Power Star Jayaram.

Though he has not yet sought the storyline for the action project, he will draft the layout after the production of Thalapathy 67 is complete.

With the stupendous success of Master and Vikram, Lokesh Kanagaraj established himself as one of the top directors in the South Indian cinema business. The director, who has made only four films, has already created a fictional world in the Tamil film industry, which is now fondly referred to as LCU for Lokesh Cinematic Universe by film-goers. Thalapathy Vijay plays the lead in Lokesh Kanagaraj’s eagerly awaited fifth film, which is currently in production.

Director Lokesh Kanagaraj recently revealed some fascinating details during the Tamil Cinema Roundtable 2022 organized by veteran journalist Baradwaj Rangan for Galta Plus YouTube channel. In conversation he announced that he is considering directing an action film with Power Star Jayaram. Though he has not yet sought the storyline for the action project, he will draft the layout after the production of Thalapathy 67 is complete.

In the roundtable, he revealed some facts about Thalapathy 67. According to Lokesh Kanagaraj, a participant in the Galta Plus Tamil roundtable, Thalapathy 67 is a part of the Lokesh Cinematic Universe, just like three of his most famous films, Mangaaram, Kaithi, and Vikram.

When asked about building a cinematic universe so early in his career, Lokesh replied that it is both thrilling and terrifying as sometimes he is unsure how to proceed. Notably, he included Kaithi 2, Vikram 2 and the Rolex spin-off as LCU films along with his next film Thalapathy 67.

It is interesting to note that Lokesh Kanagaraj once again earned accolades with his self-assurance when he announced during the Galta Plus roundtable that Thalapathy 67 would be ‘100%’ his film. For starters, the director had earlier revealed that when they collaborated on Master, they compromised on their signature aesthetic to merge with Thalapathy Vijay’s regular success formula. He even referred to it as a 50-50 film as it had a mix of Vijay and his own aesthetic. But with Thalapathy 67, he is making a film in his own style.

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