Is Homeopathy Act Slow? symptoms worsening? 8 Homeopathy Myths and Facts Explained

by Dr. Kushal Banerjee

Homeopathy is the second most popular system of medicine in the world. Its popularity is increasing, and it has repeatedly demonstrated its efficacy in addressing new clinical entities. Homeopathy also has the unique advantage of causing no side effects in the patients. Equally important is the fact that homeopathy can be safely used along with conventional medicines in patients with many diseases, with no potential for adverse reactions with other medicines. It is a holistic system of medicine and like any other system, it has its scope and limitations.

There is an ever-growing body of evidence computing the efficacy of homeopathic medicines in the management and prevention of a wide range of diseases, from the prophylaxis of dengue fever to palliation in advanced cases of cancer. Homeopathy is also very beneficial for patients with auto-immune disorders and various lifestyle diseases.

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Common myths about homeopathy

1. Homeopathy induces worsening of symptoms

This is a common misconception about homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines do not induce any worsening of symptoms. This misconception has gained popularity because patients may notice some increase in the intensity or recurrence of their symptoms when they reduce or stop their traditional medications.

2. You should stop all other medicines while using homeopathy

Homeopathy can be safely used with other medicines without any fear of adverse reactions or hindrance in the action of other medicines. Homeopaths may prefer that only essential traditional medicines that have been taken by the patient for a long time continue. This is done to improve the efficacy of homeopathic medicines and to allow more accurate evaluation of outcomes in the patient. In patients with chronic hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy and many other diseases, abrupt cessation of all conventional medicines is not advised.

3. Homeopathic medicines are slow to act

Homeopathic medicines are able to act in a very short period of time, sometimes less than conventional medicines. Patients report an improvement in pain and other acute symptoms within minutes of ingestion. Patients turn to homeopathy to help them deal with many incurable conditions. While it is not possible to cure every ailment, the long-term, lasting relief that homeopathy is able to provide in these difficult ailments can be achieved after long-term treatment. This does not mean that all homeopathic remedies are slow.

4. There is no proof that homeopathy works

This is untrue. Thousands of trials, observational studies, systematic reviews and a variety of research papers have demonstrated the action of homeopathic medicine. It is true that much more needs to be done. Emerging concepts like ‘memory of water’ in chemistry and physics are lending credence to the concepts of homeopathic medicine.

5. If there is no cure in traditional medicine, then homeopathy cannot cure

Homeopathy is often the last resort for a lot of patients, who have given up all hope after seeing limited relief using traditional medicines. Many of these patients are able to see either obvious additional benefits or cures after starting homeopathy. This is obviously not true for all diseases.

6. There are many restrictions to be followed while consuming homeo medicines

The practice of homeopathy has been going on with the times. Today’s homeopaths do not recommend too many restrictions. However, since homeopathy grasped the concept of holistic care more than two hundred years ago, homeopaths provide important non-pharmacological advice that can help manage disease better and is of utmost importance for a return to health.

7. Vaccines Against Homeopathy or Homeopath

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Homeopathy is based on the concept of choice that choice can cure. This is also the basis of the concept of vaccination. Vaccination plays an important role in the field of public health. The use of essential and effective vaccines does not run contrary to homeopathic teachings.

8. Taking homeopathic medicines for a long time can lead to poisoning

Homeopathic medicines have no side effects, whether taken in the short term or for a long time. Homeopathic medicines can be derived from certain heavy metals or plants which are toxic in their raw form. However, when homeopathic medicines are made, their ultra-diluted forms are used where no trace of the raw ingredients is found.

The author is MD (Homeopathy), MSc (Oxen)

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