IRGC chief praises Palestinian terror attacks, says Iran is ‘winning’

Hossein Salami, commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, praised the Palestinians for conducting “165 operations, 50% of them shootings” this week. [attacks]saying that “the Zionists martyred two of our armies [in Syria]But seven of them were killed by unseen hands.

He said in a speech, “The “equation” between Israel and Iran has now become unequal and in favor of Iran, which is winning. The source of Salami’s data on Palestinian attacks was not clear. His speech was reported by Iran. Tasnim News Agency, which has links to the IRGC.

On 4 April, Iran held a funeral for “two Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officers killed in Israeli strikes in Syria last week”, the international Arabic news television channel Al Arabiya reported. At the time, the IRGC stated that “the Zionists are trying to target the resistance front, but the resistance will become stronger and more motivated.”

Salami says US-Israel tensions rising

Salami said that Israel, which he calls the “Zionist regime”, was trying to “dominate” the region. But Israel now faces “decay, chaos and disorder” that will lead to collapse and collapse, he said in his speech. Salami also said that the US would probably leave the region. US-Israel tensions are rising.

“Today, the President of the United States does not accept the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime for a meeting and has banned his ministers from entering the United States,” he said. It appears that the US does not want to meet with far-right members of the current government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In addition, salami referred to Recent wave of anti-judicial reform protestsNoting that Israel has faced rocket threats from Lebanon, Syria and the Gaza Strip during the unrest.

‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ inspired protests across Israel on March 16, 2023 (Credits: Shay Koriansky)

Although Israel has walls and fences with security systems, “invisible hands have armed the West Bank, and you have modern automatic rifles and automatic weapons in the hands of Palestinians,” he said. He may be referring to smuggling arms to the Palestinians.

Over the past year, there has been an increase in clashes between the IDF and Palestinian gunmen, mainly in Jenin and Nablus. Iran Is Signaling That It Is Helping Iran’s “Unseen Hand” arms smuggling.

As per previous reports jerusalem postMany of the illegal weapons possessed by Palestinians today include versions of the M-4 and M-16, a rifle commonly manufactured in the US and the West.

When the Israelis fired rockets from Lebanon, Syria and Gaza recently, Salami said, “they hit blanks.” Countries in the region that are traditional partners of the US are moving away from it. Probably he was referring to Saudi Arabia.

Salami also noted how the Yemen war is coming to an end due to the Saudi–Iran reconciliation, stressing that today except “in a corner east of the Euphrates or in some bases in Iraq and the region” America has no real place in the world. While America appears powerful, it is “rotten”, he said.

The reference to the Euphrates refers to US bases in Syria at Green Village, Omar and Konoko, areas Iran frequently threatens with rockets and drones. Pro-Iranian proxies are believed to have carried out around 80 attacks on US forces in the past two years.