Iran seeks BRICS ties with powerful non-western economies – analysis

Iran is doing outreach to south africa Ahead of a meeting of the BRICS nations there, which include Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Russia.

This bloc of powerful economies, including countries of the Global South, is vital to Iran’s strategic ties.

Iran wants to work with non-Western countries to topple the US-led world order. Countries like South Africa have either sided with Russia or remain neutral and Iran wants to take advantage of this division in the world.

According to Iran’s Fars News, the country’s foreign minister will hold talks with his Indian counterpart this week. foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdullahian Iran spoke to South African International Relations and Cooperation Minister Grace Naledi Mandisa Pandor on Monday.

Iran wants role in BRICS

The report said that Iran wants to play a role in the upcoming BRICS meetings. According to Fars News, South Africa has invited the President of Iran to the next BRICS summit. South Africa will host the next BRICS summit in August 2023 and the country also hosted a BRICS foreign ministers’ event in June.

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu, Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira, South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Indian Foreign Minister Subramaniam Jaishankar at the BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa on 1 June participate in. (Credits: Nick Bothma/Reuters)

According to WION news, another BRICS meeting, called the BRICS Sherpa meeting, “is scheduled to take place in Durban from July 4 to 6” and will “focus on finalizing the extension document to be considered by foreign ministers and leaders”. Will focus.”

Iran aims to engage in these types of events and work on the sidelines to gain more influence in these countries. Iran will use its influence to increase its energy trade as well as try to work against Israel.

This means that Iran can exploit relations with russiaChina, South Africa and Brazil in terms of anti-Israel agenda. Iran will not get such success in India because India and Israel have strategic relations.