iPhone 13 Face ID Won’t Work If You Get a Non-Apple Screen Replacement

Apple has made it nearly impossible for third-party repair shops to disconnect a device to fix a problem. (image credit: Apple)

Apple has been in a conflict with regards to the Right to Repair Act and has been opposing it since shifting the movement from automakers to electrical appliances and equipment.

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Apple treats its devices with a sprinkling of superlatives and a dash of exclusivity. So, while the Cupertino-based tech giant offers a highly compatible ecosystem of its devices, on the other hand, it took away a few things to maintain the sanctity of the brand. In one such move, unveiled by a tech channel named “Phone Repair Guru”. Apple This has made it nearly impossible for third party repair shops to disconnect the device to fix a problem. According to this, users will not be able to use the Face ID feature. iphone 13 If they find a duplicate screen that is from anywhere other than apple authorized repair shops.

In the video, parts of the iPhone 13 have been completely redesigned, including the proximity sensor, ambient light sensor, and microphone. Even so, all the features work normally including the Face ID unlock feature. But as soon as the screen is replaced with a new one, an information bubble pops up saying, “Unable to verify this phone is a genuine Apple display.” Post this message; Face-unlock feature stops working. Not only that, after this third-party repair, if you try to create a new Face ID by going to the phone’s settings, you will not be able to create a new ID. Instead, a dialog box saying “Face ID not available” appears when you tap on “Get started.”

The revelation of the facts has brought consumers to the crossroads to be extra careful with their devices or wait for the company to come up with an offer.

Apple has been in a conflict with regards to the Right to Repair Act and has been opposing it since shifting the movement from automakers to electrical appliances and equipment. The Right to Repair Act allows consumers to get their equipment repaired from independent shops and services, which may make a substantial dent in the company’s repair business as well as ownership of certain pertinent information.

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