IPC की धारा 124 A की समीक्षा कर रही सरकार: इस धारा से राजद्रोह एक अपराध बना, इसके खिलाफ याचिकाओं पर सुनवाई अगस्त तक टली

New Delhi13 minutes ago

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File photo - Dainik Bhaskar

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The Supreme Court (SC) on Monday deferred till August the hearing of petitions challenging Section 124A of the IPC (sedition law). This was done after knowing the stand of the Attorney General of the Central Government, R Venkataramani. Venkataramani told the Supreme Court that Section 124A of the IPC, which criminalises sedition, is being reviewed. Discussion on its review is in the final stage.

Actually, last year the Supreme Court had banned this law. A bench headed by the then CJI NV Ramana, in its order, said that except for registration of fresh FIRs, investigation and all proceedings in cases registered under this Act would be stayed.

SC expressed concern over misuse of sedition law
The bench further said in its order that the harshness of Section 124A is not good for the society at present. The bench said that till the investigation of the provisions of this law is not completed, it would not be right to continue using the provisions of the law.

The Supreme Court had asked the government to define the limits of sedition. The Supreme Court had also expressed concern over the misuse of the sedition law against critics, journalists, social media users and citizens.

What is IPC section 124A?
According to section 124A of IPC, sedition is a type of offence. This section can be invoked for bringing hatred or contempt against the government established by law in India by words, writing, signs or visual form.

Under this section, the punishment can be from three years to life imprisonment. Also there is a provision for fine. Under this law, the accused person can be prevented from doing government job. The accused is also not allowed to have a passport. Also, he has to appear in the court from time to time.

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