ios 15: what apple has to say on forcing users to upgrade to ios 15 – Times of India

A report last week said that Apple has stopped releasing iOS 14 Security updates and forcing users to upgrade their devices iOS 15, This was seen as a reversal of an earlier promise made by the company to allow iOS 14 users to opt out of installing the iOS 15h update.
Now, Apple has told Ars Technica that it always intended the iOS 14 security update option to be temporary. The iPhone maker has also pointed to one of its support pages which states that those continuing on iOS/iPadOS 14 will continue to receive important security updates for some time.
“If you are using iOS or iPadOS In version 14.5 or later, you can now see the option to choose between two software update versions. This option allows you to choose between updating as soon as the latest version of iOS or iPadOS 15 is released, or continuing on iOS or iPadOS 14, while still receiving critical security updates”, the support page states.
When Apple launched iOS 15 last year, Apple said users would have “a choice between two software update versions.” It also said that it will offer security updates for iOS 14 until people are ready to upgrade.
However, the option to stay on iOS 14 and receive updates was eliminated with the launch of iOS 15.2. This means that iPhone users who want to get the latest security updates will need to upgrade their devices to iOS15.
A recent report on iOS installation numbers showed that 72 percent of all iPhones introduced in the past four years have iOS 15 installed. While only 26 percent of devices continue to use iOS 14, only two percent run an older version of iOS.
