International Yoga Day: Teaching children the hidden math behind yoga asanas

More than 90 percent of the stimulation and nourishment to the brain is generated by movement of the spine. It was presented by Dr. Roger Sperry, a neuroscientist who won the Nobel Prize for his research on the brain. It is interesting to note how ancient scriptures follow this principle when it comes to being aware of our bodies and how each movement affects our health.

Yoga is such an ancient form of practice that has been widely adapted to bring the mind, body and spirit together. It is a way of living that connects us with our senses and rejuvenates our body both physically and mentally. And this is where mathematics makes its way into yoga. It acts as a confluence to create a balance between mind and body.

Mathematics and geometry have an important place in yoga movements. Mathematics is a tool that allows the body to make overall movements and gain control in every pose. This special relationship also presents an exciting opportunity to teach children math using yoga. With the help of yoga, you can teach angles, shapes, functions and changes of geometry in poses, which also adds an element of fun to the learning process. Mathematics through the lens of physical activities such as yoga can enrich students’ understanding of concepts through a multi-sensory and whole-body learning approach.

Yoga consists of 84 lakh asanas each of which focuses on proper alignment and positioning of the body. Let us look at some hidden math elements to see how it affects yoga asanas:

• Body Linearity: Asanas that involve standing postures and balance postures require the body or parts of the body to be in a straight line. It can be used to explain the concept of straight lines and linearity. For example, when you do Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose), the knees cannot be bent, the legs are strictly locked, and the back and arms are in one plane as your upper body hits the ground. But leans over. Also, in Tadasana (The Mountain Pose), the whole body should be in a straight line from head to heels. Also, the meditation posture requires keeping the back straight, with no humps in or out.
downward dog pose

• Sharp and Right Angle: In Setu Bandhasana or Bridge Pose, your knees are bent and your feet are about 10-12 inches from the pelvis, keeping knees and ankles in a straight line. The importance of maintaining the angle is to correct the posture enough to relieve the chest, neck and spine, and to open up the lungs. If the angle is slightly higher or lower, then the effect of the asana on these parts of the body is reduced. Therefore, it is important to maintain right angles while doing asanas. Particularly, in poses such as Setu Bandhasana or Marjariasana (Cat Stretch Pose), where the angle between your bent leg should be 90 degrees or less.

bridge pose

• Triangles and Extended Angles: Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose) literally means to form a triangle. In the lower face, the body forms a triangle. And in asanas such as Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose) and Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose 2), the leg holding the body’s weight is extended to greater angles to achieve posture balance.

Extended Triangle Pose

• Concave, Curve, and Hump: The postures forming a U or C around the abdomen and pelvis are like semicircles. For this you can consider margariasana or cat pose, which stretches and crunches the back and shoulders, with the thighs and arms vertical. Or you can see a crescent-shaped pose that explores concavity.

crescent currency

• Breathing matters: Breathing is a great exercise for increasing focus and channelizing energy. The breathing exercises in yoga are done in proportion and counting. For example, inhale for 5 counts, hold for 10, and exhale for 15 counts. The correct form of breathing in yoga is the ratio of equal length, or the length of the breath to the length of the breath. If the number of inhalations exceeds the exhalations, it means that the body is over-breathing and not getting rid of the excess carbon dioxide.
Mathematics is associated with every posture and posture in yoga. Thinking in terms of shapes, lines, and angles can help children learn more closely about hidden math concepts and properties. So, the next time your child is ready for math lessons, use yoga as a great learning opportunity to teach them all kinds of geometry-infused poses.

By Manan Khurma, Founder and President, Qumatha

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